主要联系人: 西奥多·米. Pettko会计师, 杰伊·R. Meglich会计师
Our 建设 industry group is committed to bringing big thinking and personal focus to help our clients solve the growing list of complex business and 会计 problems facing the construction industry.
由不同的股东和经理人领导, our team continues to provide strategic and practical solutions for our construction clients in all facets of their business. Our dedicated team of more than 350 professionals have a wide background of 税, 会计, 在该地区有技术和商业经验, 特别是在匹兹堡和哥伦布.
In 匹兹堡, we serve 8 of the 匹兹堡 Business Times’ largest 25 contractors in the region. Our 哥伦布 office serves both a 哥伦布 Business First Top-25 architectural firm and a heavy-highway contractor awarded three of 哥伦布 Business First’s Top-25 largest public construction projects.
我们的专业团队花费超过50,000 hours per year serving construction clients; attends annual national, local and internal construction specific continuing education and meets monthly to discuss trends within the construction industry.
我们的客户包括各种规模和类型的建筑公司, ranging from general contractors to heavy-highway to a host of specialty contractors. We also serve family-owned entities and private equity firms with venture capital investors or local, 区域和全球公有制.
bet9平台游戏包括资格预审报告, 合营企业会计/报告, 国际财务报告准则和国际会计准则报告, 应收账款管理, cashflow forecasting and treasury management involving liquidity and working capital. 了解更多
bet9平台游戏包括业务中断, 数据分析, 财务和现金流建模, 减少欺诈和商业交易. 了解更多
bet9平台游戏包括税收优惠咨询, 可行性分析与咨询, 政府支持, 规划设计, 文档和实现. 了解更多
bet9平台游戏包括幻影股权安排, 股票增值权, 激励性薪酬计划, 不合格计划和限制性股票计划. 了解更多
bet9平台游戏包括收购咨询, 融资, 公司销售和资产剥离, private equity firm advisory and specialized services for companies with ESOPs. 了解更多
bet9平台游戏包括自愿披露协议, 成本资本化递延技术, 为企业主提供遗产规划, re搜索 and development credits and keyman retention and incentives. 了解更多
我们是 建筑财务管理协会 (长安) 宾夕法尼亚州西部建造商协会 (中心), 宾州西部建筑大师协会 (工商管理硕士), 全国工业和办公物业协会 (NAIOP), 俄亥俄州联合总承包商 (AGC), 俄亥俄州中部建筑商交易所 (BX)和 俄亥俄州承包商协会 (亚奥理事会).
施耐德唐斯认识到,每个行业都是不同的, often presenting unique challenges that require individualized insight, 创新与经验. Our experience in these industries is enhanced through participation in focus groups, 哪些解决了使这些行业独特的特点.
欲了解更多我们bet9平台游戏的bet9平台游戏,请访问我们的网站 z.corpshort.com/industries 或透过电邮联络我们 (电子邮件保护).